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Buenos Aires
Partido de Florencio Varela
How to get to
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
129 - R15 Retiro-F.Varela
from Av. Pte. R. Castillo to Camino Belgrano
129 - R15 Retiro-F.Varela
from Camino Belgrano to Av. Comodoro Py
148 - H1 Constitucion-Varel
from Lima oeste to Calle 164
148 - H2 Constitucion-Varel
from Lima oeste to Calle 164
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
324 - Ramal 2 - El Pato - El Cruce
from El Pato to Hospital El Cruce
324 - Ramal 2 - Florencio Varela - Rotonda de Alpargatas
from Florencio Varela to Rotonda de Alpargatas
324 - Ramal 2 - Rotonda de Alpargatas - Florencio Varela
from Rotonda de Alpargatas to Florencio Varela
324 - Ramal 6 - Don Bosco
from La Carolina to Don Bosco
324 - Ramal 6 - Don Bosco
from Don Bosco to La Carolina
324 - Ramal 9 - Walmart
from Calle 912 to Ortega
324 - Ramal 9 - Walmart
from Ortega to Calle 912
414 - Troncal
from Florencio Varela to La Plata
414 - Troncal
from La Plata to Florencio Varela
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Nearby stops