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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Comuna 9
Crecer y Ser, Parque Avellaneda
How to get to
Crecer y Ser, Parque Avellaneda
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
103 - Pra.Junta-Tapiales
from Av. J. B. Alberdi to Altolaguirre
103 - Pra.Junta-Tapiales
from Altolaguirre to Av. Rivadavia
103 - Pto.Madero-Mataderos
from A. Moreau de Justo to Av. Eva Peron
103 - Pto.Madero-Mataderos
from Av. Eva Peron to A. Moreau de Justo
103 - Pto.Madero-Tapiales
from Altolaguirre to A. Moreau de Justo
103 - Pto.Madero-Tapiales
from A. Moreau de Justo to Altolaguirre
107 - P.Avellaneda-Cdad.Uni
from Calle 3 to Primera Junta
107 - P.Avellaneda-Cdad.Uni
from Av. Olivera to Calle 2
141 - R1 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Av. Santa Fe to Homero
141 - R1 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Homero to Calzada Circular Plaza Italia
141 - R2 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Homero to Calzada Circular Plaza Italia
141 - R2 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Av. Santa Fe to Homero
36 - Ramal A - Villa Celina
from Palermo to Villa Celina
36 - Ramal A - Villa Celina
from Villa Celina to Palermo
36 - Ramal B - Puente La Noria
from Palermo to Puente La Noria
36 - Ramal B - Puente La Noria
from Puente La Noria to Palermo
46 - R1 San Justo-La Boca
from Av. Pedro de Mendoza to F. Varela
46 - R1 San Justo-La Boca
from F. Varela to Av. Alte. Brown
46 - R2 San Justo-La Boca
from F. Varela to Av. Saenz
46 - R2 San Justo-La Boca
from Av. Pedro de Mendoza to F. Varela
47 - x Camarones
from Lacroze to Autódromo
47 - x Camarones
from Autódromo to Lacroze
47 - x Nogoyá
from Autódromo to Lacroze
47 - x Nogoyá
from Lacroze to Autódromo
50 - Piedrabuena-Htal.Piner
from Varela to Av. Eva Peron
50 - Piedrabuena-Htal.Piner
from Av. Eva Peron to Varela
50 - Piedrabuena-Retiro
from Av. Eva Peron to Calle 5
50 - Piedrabuena-Retiro
from Av. Ramos Mejia to Av. Eva Peron