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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Comuna 4
Buenos Aires
Comuna 1
Cremolatti, Constitucion
How to get to
Cremolatti, Constitucion
write the first review
See in interactive map
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
102 - Palermo-Barracas
from Gelly to Av. Regimiento de Patricios
12 - Palermo-Pte.Pueyrredon
from Av. Santa Fe to San Antonio
129 - R11 Retiro-La Plata
from Av. Pte. R. Castillo to Camino Centenario
129 - R19 Once-Ing.Allan
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R1 Once-La Plata
from Camino Belgrano to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R1 Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Camino Belgrano
129 - R1 Once-Las Pipinas
from Camino Centenario to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R1 Once-Las Pipinas
from La Rioja to Camino Centenario
129 - R2 Once-La Plata
from Camino Belgrano to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R2 Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Camino Belgrano
129 - R2 Once-Las Pipinas
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R2 Once-Las Pipinas
from La Rioja to Ruta Nacional 2
129 - R3 Once-La Plata
from Camino Centenario to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R3 Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Camino Centenario
129 - R4 Once-La Plata
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R4 Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Ruta Nacional 2
129 - R5 Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Ruta Nacional 2
129 - R5 Once-La Plata
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R6 Once-Bº El Rocio
from La Rioja to Ruta Nacional 2
129 - R6 Once-Bº El Rocio
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - R7 Once-Bº El Rocio
from La Rioja to Ruta Nacional 2
129 - R7 Once-Bº El Rocio
from Ruta Nacional 2 to Av. Rivadavia
129 - RC Tribunales-La Plat
from Camino Centenario to Libertad
129 - RO Once-La Plata
from La Rioja to Camino Centenario
129 - RO Once-La Plata
from Camino Centenario to Av. Rivadavia
129 (plaza) - 1
from Plaza Miserere to Terminal de La Plata
133 - Constitucion-V. Lopez
from Av. Brasil to Gral. J. J. de Urquiza
133 - Constitucion-V. Lopez
from Gral. J. A. Roca to Av. Brasil
148 - B1 Constitucion-Quilm
from R. Rojas (372) to Constitucion
148 - B2 Constitucion-Quilm
from D. Rocha to Constitucion
148 - B3 Constitucion-Quilm
from Calle 107 to Constitucion
148 - C1 Constitucion-Varel
from Calle 638 to Constitucion
148 - C2 Constitucion-Varel
from Av. Gral. San Martin to Constitucion
148 - Dif.Constitucion-Sola
from Jose A. Lopez (844) to Constitucion
148 - Dif.Constitucion-Vare
from Av. Gral. San Martin to Constitucion
148 - F Constitucion-Solano
from Donato Alvarez to Constitucion
148 - G Constitucion-Solano
from Av. Monteverde (858) to Constitucion
148 - H1 Constitucion-Varel
from Calle 164 to Constitucion
148 - H2 Constitucion-Varel
from Calle 164 to Constitucion
148 - I Constitucion-Solano
from Jose A. Lopez (844) to Constitucion
151 - Const.-Pte.Saavedra
from B. de Irigoyen to Edison
151 - Const.-Pte.Saavedra
from Av. Maipu to Lima oeste
168 - Boca-Pte.Saavedra
from Av. Cabildo to 20 de Septiembre
168 - Boca-San Isidro
from M. Sanchez to 20 de Septiembre
168 - R90 Constitucion-Devo
from Av. San Martin to Lima oeste
168 - R90 Constitucion-Devo
from Lima este to Av. San Martin
2 - Costanera-La Matanza
from Las Heras to Av. Espana
28 - La Noria
from Puente La Noria to Retiro
28 - X av. Roca
from Liniers to Retiro
28 - x Fiorito
from Barrio Hernandez to Retiro
37 - C Palermo-Lanus
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to J. F. Kennedy
39 - Ramal 1 x Palermo Viejo
from Av. Regimiento de Patricios to J. Newbery
39 - Ramal 1 x Palermo Viejo
from Guevara to Av. Regimiento de Patricios
39 - Ramal 2 x El Dorrego
from Guevara to Av. Regimiento de Patricios
39 - Ramal 2 x El Dorrego
from Av. Regimiento de Patricios to J. Newbery
39 - Ramal 3 x Palermo Hollywood
from Guevara to Av. Regimiento de Patricios
39 - Ramal 3 x Palermo Hollywood
from Av. Regimiento de Patricios to J. Newbery
4 - Correo Central
from Correo Central to Lomas del Mirador
4 - Correo Central
from Lomas del Mirador to Correo Central
45 - Recorrido A - Ciudad universitaria
from Lanús to Ciudad Universitaria
45 - Semirápido x Autopista
from Lanús to Retiro
46 - R1 San Justo-La Boca
from F. Varela to Av. Alte. Brown
46 - R2 San Justo-La Boca
from F. Varela to Av. Saenz
51 - Constitucion-A.Korn
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-A.Korn
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-B. N. 1
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-B. N. 1
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Burzaco
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Burzaco
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Canning
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Canning
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Canuelas
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Canuelas
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-C.Brandse
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-C.Brandse
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Glew
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Glew
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-La Union
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-La Union
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Llavallol
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Llavallol
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Longchamp
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Longchamp
from Av. San Jose to San Jose
51 - Constitucion-Maximo Pa
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Maximo Pa
from San Jose to Av. Pavon
51 - Constitucion-R.Calzada
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-R.Calzada
from Constitucion to Av. Pavon
51 - Constitucion-Spegazzin
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Spegazzin
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Temperley
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Temperley
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-T.Suarez
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-T.Suarez
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R1 Constitucion-M.Gran
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-M.Gran
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R2 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-M.Gran
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-M.Gran
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
59 - Ramal 1 x Est. La Lucila
from Barracas to Munro
59 - Ramal 2 x Barrio Golf
from Barracas to Munro
59 - Ramal 3
from Barracas to Puente Saavedra
60 - C-E x Boulogne Sur Mer
from Los Abedules to Herrera
60 - C-E x Liniers
from Los Abedules to Colectora Panamericana
60 - C-E x Panamericana
from Los Abedules to Herrera
60 - C-E x Ruta 27
from Los Abedules to Herrera
60 - Constitucion-Escobar
from Los Abedules to Panamericana
60 - Constitucion-Tigre
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Alto
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Av.Libertador
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Bajo
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Fleming
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Panamericana 1
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - C-T x Panamericana 2
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - R38 Constitucion-Nunez
from J. Azurduy to Herrera
60 - R38 Const.-Tigre
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - R38 C-T x Alto
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
60 - R38 C-T x Panamericana
from Santa Maria de las Conchas to Herrera
61 - A Const.-Retiro-Const.
from Lima 1709, 1151 CABA to Av. Brasil 1100, Buenos Aires
61 - B Const.-Retiro-Const.
from Lima 1709, 1151 CABA to Av. Brasil 1100, Buenos Aires
62 - RA Constitucion-Retiro
from Lima 1709, 1151 CABA to Av. Brasil 1180, Buenos Aires
62 - RB Constitucion-Retiro
from Lima 1709, 1151 CABA to Av. Brasil 1180, Buenos Aires
65 - Belgrano-Avellaneda
from Av. Pavon to Av. Virrey Vertiz
65 - Belgrano-Avellaneda
from Juramento to Av. Pavon
65 - Belgrano-Constitucion
from Peru to Av. Virrey Vertiz
65 - Belgrano-Constitucion
from Juramento to Dr. E. Finochietto
67 - R1 V.Martelli-Barracas
from Salta to G?s
67 - R2 V.Martelli-Barracas
from Salta to G?s
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Pavon to Esquiu
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Esquiu to Salta
79 - Const.-Guernica
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Guernica
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Pavon to Longchamps
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Longchamps to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from M. Pedraza to Salta
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from Pavon to M. Pedraza
79 - Const.-San Jose
from R. Calzada to Salta
79 - Const.-San Jose
from Pavon to R. Calzada
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Calle 228 to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Pavon to Calle 205
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Calle 228 to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Pavon to Calle 205
84 - Const.-V.Del Parque
from E. Lamarca to Pavon
84 - Const.-V.Del Parque
from Av. Brasil to San Nicolas
9 - R1 Retiro-V.Caraza
from Mendoza to Av. Antartida Argentina
9 - R2 Retiro-V.Caraza
from Mendoza to Av. Antartida Argentina
90 - Troncal
from Constitución to Devoto
90 - Troncal
from Devoto to Constitución
91 - R1 Retiro-Villegas
from Cristiania to Av. Comodoro Py
91 - R2 Retiro-Villegas
from Cristiania to Av. Comodoro Py
95 - R2 Palermo-Avellaneda
from Av. Santa Fe to Cnel. Brandsen
95 - R2 Palermo-Avellaneda
from Gral. G?s to Paraguay
96 - Const.-B. La Foresta
from A. Molina to Salta
96 - Const.-B. La Foresta
from Salta to A. Molina
96 - Const.-B. San Alberto
from Salta to J.I. Rucci
96 - Const.-B. San Alberto
from A. France to Salta
96 - Const.-G.Catan
from Brig. Gral. J. M. de Rosas to Salta
96 - Const.-G.Catan
from Salta to J. Posamay
96 - Const.-Pontevedra
from Salta to Ruta Prov. 21
96 - Const.-Pontevedra
from Ruta Prov. 21 to Salta
96 - Const.-R.Castillo
from C. Casares to Salta
96 - Const.-R.Castillo
from Salta to Capdevila
96 - Const.-V.Scasso
from Salta to M. Gamboa
96 - Const.-V.Scasso
from M. Gamboa to Salta
96 - R1 Const.-B. Esperanza
from Brig. Gral. J. M. de Rosas to Salta
96 - R1 Const.-B. Esperanza
from Salta to Brig. Gral. J. M. de Rosas
96 - R1 Const.-Laferrere
from E. Echeverria to Salta
96 - R1 Const.-Laferrere
from Salta to Cnel. Murguiondo
96 - R2 Const.-B. Esperanza
from Brig. Gral. J. M. de Rosas to Salta
96 - R2 Const.-B. Esperanza
from Salta to Brig. Gral. J. M. de Rosas
96 - R2 Const.-Laferrere
from Salta to Av. Luro
96 - R2 Const.-Laferrere
from E. Echeverria to Salta
98 - R116 Once-B. Grafico
from N. Orono to Av. Rivadavia
98 - R1 Once-Quilmes
from Av. Otamendi (13) to Av. Rivadavia
98 - R2 Once-Quilmes
from Av. Otamendi (13) to Av. Rivadavia
98 - R3 Once-V.Espana
from Av. Calchaqui to Av. Rivadavia
98 - R4 Once-V.Espana
from Av. Calchaqui to Av. Rivadavia
98 - R5 Once-V.Espana
from Calle 153 to Av. Rivadavia