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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Comuna 4
Buenos Aires
Escuela Primaria Común 13 Fray Mamerto Esquiú, Barracas
How to get to
Escuela Primaria Común 13 Fray Mamerto Esquiú, Barracas
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
45 - Recorrido A - Ciudad universitaria
from Lanús to Ciudad Universitaria
45 - Semirápido x Autopista
from Lanús to Retiro
46 - R2 San Justo-La Boca
from F. Varela to Av. Saenz
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Esquiu to Salta
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Pavon to Esquiu
79 - Const.-Guernica
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Guernica
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Pavon to Longchamps
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Longchamps to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from Pavon to M. Pedraza
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from M. Pedraza to Salta
79 - Const.-San Jose
from R. Calzada to Salta
79 - Const.-San Jose
from Pavon to R. Calzada
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Calle 228 to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Pavon to Calle 205
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Pavon to Calle 205
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Calle 228 to Salta
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Alejandro Korn
from Constitucion to Alejandro Korn
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Bosques
from Bosques to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Bosques
from Constitucion to Bosques
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Constitucion to Claypole
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Claypole to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Ezeiza to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Constitucion to Ezeiza
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (vía Quilmes)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (vía Quilmes)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Other points of interest nearby
Escuela Primaria Común 13 Fray Mamerto Esquiú