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Buenos Aires
Partido de Avellaneda
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
178 - Pompeya-Quilmes
from Los Andes (108) to Av. Saenz
178 - Pompeya-Quilmes
from Traful to Los Andes (108)
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
37 - A C.Univ-Lanus
from Calle 3 to E. Del Valle Iberlucea
37 - A C.Univ-Lanus
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Calle 2
37 - B C.Univ-Lanus
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Calle 2
37 - B C.Univ-Lanus
from Calle 3 to E. Del Valle Iberlucea
37 - C Palermo-Lanus
from Av. Colombia to E. Del Valle Iberlucea
45 - Recorrido A - Ciudad universitaria
from Lanús to Ciudad Universitaria
45 - Recorrido A - Ciudad universitaria - Lanús
from Ciudad Universitaria to Lanús
45 - Semirápido x Autopista
from Retiro to Lanús
45 - Semirápido x Autopista
from Lanús to Retiro
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Pavon to Esquiu
79 - Const.-Claypole
from Esquiu to Salta
79 - Const.-Guernica
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Guernica
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Pavon to Longchamps
79 - Const.-Longchamps
from Longchamps to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-Numancia
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from M. Pedraza to Salta
79 - Const.-Rayo de Sol
from Pavon to M. Pedraza
79 - Const.-San Jose
from Pavon to R. Calzada
79 - Const.-San Jose
from R. Calzada to Salta
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from H. Yrigoyen to Salta
79 - Const.-San Vicente
from Pavon to H. Yrigoyen
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Pavon to Calle 205
79 - Const.-Varela x 1
from Calle 228 to Salta
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Pavon to Calle 205
79 - Const.-Varela x 2
from Calle 228 to Salta
85 - A Ciudadela-Quilmes
from Croacia to Av. Otamendi (13)