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Buenos Aires
Partido de Morón
Estacionamiento Aeropuerto El Palomar "B"
How to get to
Estacionamiento Aeropuerto El Palomar "B"
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Municipalidad de Morón y Tres de Febrero
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
123 - Chacarita-El Palomar
from Av. Corrientes to G. Marconi
123 - Chacarita-El Palomar
from Gral. Victorica to Av. Corrientes
182 - R1 Floresta-Jose C.Pa
from J. E. Rodo to Florida
182 - R1 Floresta-Jose C.Pa
from Florida to Av. Lacarra
182 - R1 Floresta-Palomar
from Itacumbu to Av. Lacarra
182 - R2 Floresta-Jose C.Pa
from Av. Lacarra to Cramer
182 - R2 Floresta-Jose C.Pa
from Florida to San Martin
182 - R2 Floresta-Palomar
from Itacumbu to Av. Lacarra
252 - San Martin-3 de Febre
from Belgrano to Marconi
252 - San Martin-3 de Febre
from Rosetti to Saavedra
289 - Liniers-R.Mejia
from E. Merlo to Republica (Diag. 20)
53 - Boca-J.C.Paz
from Av. Yrigoyen to Alvarado
53 - Boca-J.C.Paz
from B. Quinquela Martin to Av. Yrigoyen
53 - Boca-Palomar
from B. Quinquela Martin to Gral. J. J. de Urquiza
53 - Boca-San Miguel
from B. Quinquela Martin to Maestro A. D Elia
53 - Boca-San Miguel
from Cjal Tribulato to Alvarado
53 - Constitucion-J.C.Paz
from Av. Yrigoyen to Lima oeste
53 - Constitucion-J.C.Paz
from Lima oeste to Av. Yrigoyen
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Pilar to Retiro
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Retiro to Pilar
Nearby stops
El Palomar