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Buenos Aires
Partido de Avellaneda
Estrella del Sur
How to get to
Estrella del Sur
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
129 - R8 Const.-La Plata
from Av. Brasil to Camino Belgrano
129 - R8 Const.-La Plata
from Camino Belgrano to Acceso Montes de Oca
129 - R9 Const.-La Plata
from Camino Centenario to Av. J. de Garay
129 - R9 Const.-La Plata
from Av. Brasil to Camino Centenario
178 - Pompeya-Quilmes
from Los Andes (108) to Av. Saenz
178 - Pompeya-Quilmes
from Traful to Los Andes (108)
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
178 - P Pompeya-Zeballos
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Traful to Av. G. Hudson
178 - P x C.Larralde
from Av. G. Hudson to Av. Saenz
247 - A B. San Jose-Fiorito
from Larrazabal to Santa Ana
247 - A B. San Jose-Fiorito
from Dr. Gorriti to Larrazabal
247 - B B. San Jose-Fiorito
from Larrazabal to Santa Ana
247 - B B. San Jose-Fiorito
from Dr. Gorriti to Larrazabal
247 - S.Fco Solano-Fiorito
from Dr. Gorriti to Mendoza
247 - S.Fco Solano-Fiorito
from Larrazabal to Dr. Gorriti
271 - Burzaco-Lomas
from Rojas Ricardo to Av. Pavon
271 - Burzaco-Lomas
from Av. Pavon to Gral. Hornos
271 - R.Calzada-Avellaneda
from Tte. Gral. Garcia to Altamira
271 - R.Calzada-Avellaneda
from Altamira to Tte. Gral. Garcia
37 - C Palermo-Lanus
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to J. F. Kennedy
51 - Constitucion-A.Korn
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-A.Korn
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-B. N. 1
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-B. N. 1
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Burzaco
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Burzaco
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Canning
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Canning
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Canuelas
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Canuelas
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-C.Brandse
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-C.Brandse
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Glew
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Glew
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-La Union
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-La Union
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Llavallol
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Llavallol
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Longchamp
from Av. San Jose to San Jose
51 - Constitucion-Longchamp
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Maximo Pa
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Maximo Pa
from San Jose to Av. Pavon
51 - Constitucion-R.Calzada
from Av. Pavon to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-R.Calzada
from Constitucion to Av. Pavon
51 - Constitucion-Spegazzin
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Spegazzin
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-Temperley
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - Constitucion-Temperley
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-T.Suarez
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - Constitucion-T.Suarez
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R1 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-M.Gran
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R1 Constitucion-M.Gran
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
51 - R2 Constitucion-Ezeiza
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-M.Gran
from San Jose to Av. H. Yrigoyen
51 - R2 Constitucion-M.Gran
from Av. H. Yrigoyen to Constitucion
93 - R1 Munro-Avellaneda
from Sivori to M. Lebensohn
93 - R1 Munro-Avellaneda
from J. Giribone to Sivori
93 - R2 Munro-Avellaneda
from J. Giribone to Sivori
93 - R2 Munro-Avellaneda
from Sivori to M. Lebensohn
93 - R3 Munro-Avellaneda
from J. Giribone to Sivori
93 - R3 Munro-Avellaneda
from Sivori to M. Lebensohn
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Alejandro Korn
from Alejandro Korn to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Alejandro Korn
from Constitucion to Alejandro Korn
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Bosques
from Constitucion to Bosques
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Bosques
from Bosques to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Constitucion to Claypole
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Claypole to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Constitucion to Ezeiza
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Ezeiza
from Ezeiza to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (vía Quilmes)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (vía Quilmes)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Nearby stops