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Buenos Aires
Partido de Tres de Febrero
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
105 - R1 Correo-S.Pena
from Av. Rosales to Chile
105 - R1 Correo-S.Pena
from F. Lope de Vega to Av. Corrientes
105 - R2 Correo-S.Pena
from J. J. de Urquiza to Av. Corrientes
105 - R2 Correo-S.Pena
from Av. Rosales to J. J. de Urquiza
161 - R1 Liniers-Pza.Italia
from A. Williams to Ayacucho
161 - R1 Liniers-Pza.Italia
from Aut. Gral. Paz to Av. Maipu
237 - R1 V.Lanzone-Ciudadel
from Debenedetti to Lincoln
237 - R1 V.Lanzone-Ciudadel
from Lincoln to Debenedetti
237 - R2 V.Lanzone-Ciudadel
from Lincoln to Debenedetti
237 - R2 V.Lanzone-Ciudadel
from Debenedetti to Lincoln
25 - Est.Saenz Pena-La Boca
from F. Ameghino to Necochea
25 - Est.Saenz Pena-La Boca
from Av. Alte. Brown to Posadas
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Pilar to Retiro
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Retiro to Pilar
Nearby stops
Saenz Pena