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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Comuna 1
Gourmet Empanadas, San Nicolas
How to get to
Gourmet Empanadas, San Nicolas
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
105 - R1 Correo-S.Pena
from F. Lope de Vega to Av. Corrientes
105 - R2 Correo-S.Pena
from J. J. de Urquiza to Av. Corrientes
111 - Ramal 1 Villa Concepcion
from Puerto Madero to José León Suárez
111 - Ramal 2 x Constituyentes
from Puerto Madero to José León Suárez
146 - Ciudadela-Creo.Centra
from Av. Rosales to Republica (Diag. 20)
24 - V.del Parque-Avellaned
from Cuenca to Yapeyu
24 - V.del Parque-Avellaned
from Cnel. Lynch to Padre Rigoni
24 - V.del Parque-Wilde
from Cnel. Brandsen to Padre Rigoni
24 - V.del Parque-Wilde
from Cuenca to Martinto Domingo
29 - Boca-Belgrano C
from Diag. R. Saenz Pena to Av. Virrey Vertiz
29 - Boca-Est.Rivadavia
from Magallanes to Av. del Libertador
29 - Boca-Est.Rivadavia
from Av. del Libertador to Av. Pedro de Mendoza
29 - Boca-Olivos
from Av. del Libertador to Av. Pedro de Mendoza
29 - Boca-Olivos
from Magallanes to Corrientes
29 - Boca-Pque.Sarmiento
from Av. Dr. R. Balbin to Av. Pedro de Mendoza
29 - Boca-Pque.Sarmiento
from Magallanes to Valdenegro
45 - Semirápido x Autopista
from Lanús to Retiro
50 - Piedrabuena-Retiro
from Av. Ramos Mejia to Av. Eva Peron
59 - Ramal 3
from Barracas to Puente Saavedra
59 - Ramal 3
from Puente Saavedra to Barracas
67 - R1 V.Martelli-Barracas
from D. French to San Lucar de Barrameda
9 - R1 Retiro-V.Caraza
from Mendoza to Av. Antartida Argentina
9 - R2 Retiro-V.Caraza
from Mendoza to Av. Antartida Argentina
91 - R3 Const.-Villegas
from Cristiania to B. de Irigoyen
Subte - C
from Retiro to Constitución
Subte - C
from Constitución to Retiro
Subte - D
from Congreso de Tucumán to Catedral
Subte - D
from Catedral to Congreso de Tucumán
Nearby stops
Carlos Pellegrini
9 de Julio
Diagonal Norte