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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Comuna 14
San Pietro Porcelanatos, Palermo
How to get to
San Pietro Porcelanatos, Palermo
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
108 - Retiro-Ciudadela
from Av. Comodoro Py to San Ignacio
111 - Ramal 1 Villa Concepcion
from Puerto Madero to José León Suárez
111 - Ramal 2 x Constituyentes
from Puerto Madero to José León Suárez
140 - A Correo-Boulogne
from A. Rolon to Fleming
140 - B Correo-Chacarita
from Av. Corrientes to Bouchard
140 - C Correo-Est.Urquiza
from Av. Triunvirato to Bouchard
151 - Const.-Pte.Saavedra
from Av. Maipu to Lima oeste
166 - Palermo-Merlo
from Av. Dorrego to Av. Bella Vista
166 - Palermo-Merlo
from Av. Bella Vista to Av. Int. Bullrich
166 - Palermo-Moron
from C. Larralde to Av. Int. Bullrich
166 - Palermo-Moron
from Av. Dorrego to Cabildo
168 - Boca-Pte.Saavedra
from Av. Cabildo to 20 de Septiembre
168 - Boca-San Isidro
from M. Sanchez to 20 de Septiembre
34 - A B C
from Liniers to Palermo
39 - Ramal 3 x Palermo Hollywood
from Guevara to Av. Regimiento de Patricios
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Pilar to Retiro
Ferrocarril General San Martin - Retiro-Pilar
from Retiro to Pilar