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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Partido de Tres de Febrero
Buenos Aires
Comuna 9
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
1 - A
from Primera Junta to Morón
1 - B
from Primera Junta to Morón
106 - Retiro-Liniers
from Av. Ramos Mejia to Bynon
108 - Retiro-Ciudadela
from Av. Comodoro Py to San Ignacio
108 - Retiro-Ciudadela
from Croacia to Av. Pte. R. Castillo
109 - Liniers-Correo Centra
from Av. E. Madero to Gana
117 - Santa Marta
from Santa Marta to Estación Rivadavia
117 - x Baradero
from Santa Marta to Estación Rivadavia
161 - R1 Liniers-Pza.Italia
from Aut. Gral. Paz to Av. Maipu
166 - Palermo-Merlo
from Av. Bella Vista to Av. Int. Bullrich
166 - Palermo-Merlo
from Av. Dorrego to Av. Bella Vista
166 - Palermo-Moron
from C. Larralde to Av. Int. Bullrich
166 - Palermo-Moron
from Av. Dorrego to Cabildo
172 - R1 Pra.Junta-Atalaya
from J.B. Polledo to Riglos
172 - R1 Pra.Junta-Atalaya
from Riglos to J.B. Polledo
172 - R2 Pra.Junta-Atalaya
from Riglos to J.B. Polledo
21 - Florida
from Florida to Liniers
21 - Florida
from Liniers to Florida
21 - Ford
from Liniers to Fábrica de Ford
21 - Ford
from Fábrica de Ford to Liniers
21 - Ford
from Puente La Noria to Fábrica de Ford
21 - Liniers-Olivos
from Olivos to Liniers
21 - Olivos
from Liniers to Olivos
21 - Puente Saavedra
from Puente La Noria to Puente Saavedra
21 - Tigre
from Tigre to Liniers
21 - Tigre
from Puente La Noria to Tigre
21 - Tigre
from Liniers to Tigre
28 - Ciudad Universitaria
from Puente La Noria to Ciudad Universitaria
28 - Estación Rivadavia
from Puente Alsina to Estación Rivadavia
28 - X av. Roca
from Retiro to Liniers
28 - X av. Roca
from Liniers to Retiro
289 - Liniers-Est.San Marti
from Acceso Saavedra to Moreno
289 - R1 Liniers-El Palomar
from Acceso Saavedra to Pte. Kennedy
289 - R2 Liniers-El Palomar
from Acceso Saavedra to Pte. A. Illia
34 - A B C
from Palermo to Liniers
343 - R1 Liniers-Tigre
from Acceso Saavedra to ?
343 - R2 Liniers-Tigre
from Acceso Saavedra to ?
343 - R304 Liniers-S.Isidro
from Acceso Saavedra to Soldado de Malvinas
47 - x Camarones
from Autódromo to Lacroze
47 - x Camarones
from Lacroze to Autódromo
47 - x Nogoyá
from Autódromo to Lacroze
47 - x Nogoyá
from Lacroze to Autódromo
53 - Constitucion-J.C.Paz
from Av. Yrigoyen to Lima oeste
53 - Constitucion-J.C.Paz
from Lima oeste to Av. Yrigoyen
57 - Expreso Once Lujan
from Once to Luján
57 - Expreso Once Lujan
from Luján to Once
57 - Expreso Once Moreno
from Once to Moreno
57 - Expreso Once Moreno
from Moreno to Once
80 - M x Murguiondo
from Belgrano to Barrio Sarmiento
80 - M x Murguiondo
from Barrio Sarmiento to Belgrano
80 - P x Piedrabuena
from Belgrano to Barrio Sarmiento
80 - P x Piedrabuena
from Barrio Sarmiento to Belgrano