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Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Comuna 14
Vino Tinro, Palermo
How to get to
Vino Tinro, Palermo
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Public transport routes that pass next to this place
110 - Ramal 1 x Nazca
from Villa Martelli to Facultad de Derecho
110 - Ramal 2 x Constituyentes
from Villa Martelli to Facultad de Derecho
141 - R1 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Av. Santa Fe to Homero
141 - R1 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Homero to Calzada Circular Plaza Italia
141 - R2 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Homero to Calzada Circular Plaza Italia
141 - R2 Palermo-V.Albertin
from Av. Santa Fe to Homero
15 - Benavidez
from Benavidez to Valentín Alsina
15 - Benavidez
from Valentín Alsina to Benavidez
15 - Fonavi
from Fonavi to Valentín Alsina
15 - Fonavi
from Valentín Alsina to Fonavi
15 - Pacheco
from Pacheco to Valentín Alsina
15 - Pacheco
from Valentín Alsina to Pacheco
160 - A Claypole-C.Univ.
from Humahuaca to Calle 2
160 - G Claypole-C.Univ.
from Humahuaca to Calle 2
36 - Ramal A - Villa Celina
from Villa Celina to Palermo
36 - Ramal B - Puente La Noria
from Puente La Noria to Palermo
39 - Ramal 3 x Palermo Hollywood
from Av. Regimiento de Patricios to J. Newbery
57 - Luján x Ruta 7
from Luján to Palermo
57 - R1 Palermo-C.del Senor
from Pte. A. H. Illia to Av. Dorrego
57 - R1 Palermo-C.del Senor
from Arevalo to Pte. A. H. Illia
57 - R1 Palermo-Mercedes
from Av. San Martin to Av. Dorrego
57 - R1 Palermo-Mercedes
from Arevalo to Av. San Martin
57 - R3 Palermo-Moreno
from Av. Bartolome. Mitre-Ruta Nº 23 to Av. Dorrego
57 - R3 Palermo-Moreno
from Arevalo to Av. Bartolome. Mitre-Ruta Nº 23
57 - Ramal 1 Moreno
from Moreno to Palermo
57 - Ramal 1 Moreno
from Palermo to Moreno
57 - Ramal 1 Pilar x Ruta 8
from Pilar to Palermo