Star users
Rafael Calzada
Partido de Almirante Brown
Buenos Aires
Rafael Calzada
Stop Rafael Calzada
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Claypole to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Constitucion to Claypole
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
271 - Burzaco-Lomas
from Rojas Ricardo to Av. Pavon
271 - Burzaco-Lomas
from Av. Pavon to Gral. Hornos
79 - Const.-San Jose
from R. Calzada to Salta
79 - Const.-San Jose
from Pavon to R. Calzada
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Claypole to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-Claypole
from Constitucion to Claypole
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from La Plata to Constitucion
Ferrocarril General Roca - Constitucion-La Plata (via Temperley)
from Constitucion to La Plata
Points of interest nearby
Claudio Terrasa
Banco Provincia
Clínica Privada Rivadavia
Farma 24
Farmacia Colón
Nueva Castelli
Autoservicio Family
Nueva Castelli
Casa de Dios MVI Calzada
Farma 24
Banco Provicia
Mamá Olga
Plazoleta de la Amistad