Route 188 R1 P.Italia-Budgefrom Av. Gral. Las Heras to Recondo

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Places that travel to

Streets that compose this route

Av. Gral. Las Heras - Republica de la India - Cabello - Av. Scalabrini Ortiz - Av. Santa Fe - J. Alvarez - Paraguay - Sanchez de Bustamante - Gallo - Ag? - San Luis - Av. Pueyrredon - Av. Jujuy - Av. San Juan - Pichincha - Av. Brasil - E. de Luca - Inclan - Dean Funes - Zavaleta - Av. A. Alcorta - Diogenes Taborda - Traful - E. Ochoa - Av. Saenz - R. de Escalada de San Martin - Pte. Peron - Av. Rivadavia - Dip. Pedrera - S. Plaul - Jose M. Moreno - San Martin - M. Avellaneda - Mendoza - Recondo

Points of interest near the route